UFC Fight Night Portland: Results in for Disappointing Loss

This was my first night of genuinely bad results since starting the blog. While a big part of it was just dumb luck, specifically on Louis Smolka’s part, I can’t deny I made a few poorly thought out decisions. A lot of the consensus with other more experienced bettors was that this was a bad card for betting, with lots of unknowns, new fighters, unreliable fighters, and question marks. I let my confidence from past results override the logic and I placed a few bets that didn’t really have any justification.
First bad bet was Kelly Faszholz. She only had one fight before this, a loss, which I was actually rating her positively because of her toughness and the fact she won 2 rounds in my opinion. However, there was no way to really know how she would hold up against the newcomer, who was able to use takedowns to win a split. Betting on either girl would be a rather dumb bet, and the fact that it went to split decision is a sign of that.
The next bad bet was Louis Smolka. Now, I don’t actually believe he was a bad bet. Rather, it was the amount of units I placed on him, 4 units. He is still relatively untested and hasn’t had enough consistency to justify that much of a bet. Normally I only like to place 1-2 units on fighters unless they are of the highest consistency. I overestimated Smolka here and gave his opponent no chance to win. So I would have kept that bet, but it would have been -2 units instead of -4.
In my defense of betting Smolka, he was clearly the betting choice on this card as I got him at relatively low odds of -378. A ton of bettors jumped on him all the way to the start of the fight day and he ended at -500 all the way up to -550. So if I can say anything to console myself, its that a ton of other people lost money on him, and probably in parlays.
The last 2 bets I placed were both bad decisions. Based on Dodson’s history, there was a good chance he would be taking an evasive strategy and draw the fight out past 2.5 rounds. I was hoping for the best, for a quick action-packed brawl based on Dodson’s most recent performance of a 1st round KO. However I should have taken into consideration the style matchup and his adaptation to Lineker. If anything, the over 2.5 rounds would have been better money since Dodson’s evasion was a likely strategy.
Lastly, betting on Dodson was not necessarily a BAD choice, since it was a close fight and he won on one judges card. But since it was so close, it just didn’t make sense from a betting perspective. I put too much into luck’s hand there and can’t argue with that end result. I have to say I am very glad that I hedged out of my original 4 unit bet, as that would have been an even bigger blow.
So, with all this being said, you can expect me to return to a more conservative betting strategy this weekend, with better informed bets and within a more reasonable unit size, not exposing myself too much to flaky performances. Overall I still have a nice profit here and I can’t let 2 events carry so much weight that I completely change my practice. Really I am mostly down because of two epic bed-shittings by Thiago Santos and Louis Smolka, both are big upsets and should be considered outliers for those guys overall careers.
See you at UFC 204
John Dodson
1u at -110 (pinnacle.com)
-1u loss
Dodson/Lineker NOT go the Distance
2u at -225 (bookmaker.eu)
-2u loss
Louis Smolka
4u at -378 (pinnacle.com)
-4u loss
Curtis Blaydes
2u at -230 (sportsinteraction.com)
+.8u profit
Kelly Faszholz
2u at -110 (bookmaker.eu)
-2u loss
TOTAL: -8.2u loss